Whistleblower Channel
Nextory is one of Europe’s largest streaming services for audiobooks and e-books. The app was founded in 2015 by the serial entrepreneurs Shadi Bitar and Ninos Malki. Today, Nextory’s catalog contains over 750,000 titles and has developed into a fast-growing platform that enables unlimited distribution of stories and knowledge in various digital formats. The app is available in nine markets around Europe, with headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Read more at www.nextory.com and this is the link to the company’s code of conduct www.nextory.com.
Reporting irregularities or problems
Whistleblowing is when an employee or stakeholder reports irregularities or problems that are or at some point in the future may cause serious harm to the company and / or its stakeholders’ interests.
The irregularities or problems that can be reported via the Nextory’s whistleblowing routine are:
- Violation of the Nextory’s code of conduct
- Danger to human life and health
- Violations of laws and regulations
- Try to cover any of the above
- People who report irregularities and / or violations have their identity protected throughout the process and for all eternity thereafter.
- All disclosures are handled in a fair and correct manner.
If an employee or stakeholder has reasonable grounds to suspect wrong doings, irregularities or violations in the Nextory’s business operations or management and if it is not possible to report the situation to a manager or someone in the management team or at the board level, or if a report is ignored, Nextory’s whistleblowing routine can be used.
This is the whistle blower channel for reporting
We analyze the report, anonymize it and, forward it with a recommendation to take action on it to the relevant role in the board of directors or the management team of Nextory, dependent on the issue. Please use the web form, the mail address or the phone number.
In Sweden, we have a law (bassed on EU directive) that protects whistleblowers who report: Law 2020:21 193 on special protection against reprisals for whistleblowers who sound the alram about possible serious wrong-doings.
Best Jenny Rosberg | whistleblower@ropa.se | cell direct +46 70 747 27 41