Business ethics are part of contributing to a sustainable society. Cibus has a code of conduct based on our core values of Commitment, Responsibility and Joy and the ten principles in the UN Global Compact. It describes what acting Cibus stakeholders can expect from Cibus employees. The Code of Conduct also counteracts the risks of corruption, bribery and other violations.
This is Cibus whistle blower function. Here it is possible to report irregularities, suspicions of corruption or other offenses via an external independent party. The external independent party will with discretion follow up all reported leads. In Sweden, we have a law that protects whistle-blowers who report: Law 2021:890 on special protection against reprisals for whistle-blowers who sound the alarm about possible serious misconduct.
Reporting irregularities or problems
Whistleblowing is when a stakeholder reports irregularities or problems that are or at some point in the future may cause serious harm to the company and / or its stakeholders’ interests.
The irregularities or problems that can be reported via the Cibus whistleblowing routine are:
- Violation of the Cibus Code of Conduct
- Danger to human life and health
- Violations of laws and regulations
- Try to cover any of the above
- People who report irregularities and / or violations have their identity protected throughout the process and for all eternity thereafter.
- All disclosures are handled in a fair and correct manner.