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- Focus: Learn how to hold investors' attention through clear and structured presentations.
- Intention: Set your intention before every meeting, video, one-to-one, from stage and how it affects your investor relations.
- Opening Strategies: Discover effective opening strategies to make a strong first impression.
- Hiss pitch: Tools to practice and improve your elevator pitch to quickly and effectively communicate your message.
- Investor presentation: Build and deliver a compelling investor pitch that drives results.
- Handling questions and answers: Learn techniques to handle questions and answers in a professional manner.
- Present for results: Strategies for presenting financial information and creating good relationships with investors.
…our events went online
Welcome to our event space, sign up here to get invitations to our webinars. Most of our webinars are in SWE so please let us know if you want to be on the ENG or SWE invitation list? We always put our events on-demand, you can access them via the link below. You pay with your e-mail address. A warm welcome! Jenny

Så mycket enklare på börsen!
Coaching tips varje månad hittar du på BOARDA.se, ROPAs plattform för digital rådgivning on-demand. Där erbjuder vi kvalificerad rådgivning för arbetet i ledning och styrelse – strategisk planering, finansiell information, insiderinformation, MAR, obligatorisk information, investerarrelationer och bolagsstyrning. | Jenny Rosberg, ROPA & BOARDA
BOARDA | Our Digital Corporate Advisory
BOARDA | is a new subscription service from ROPA targeting the Chairman, CEO and CFO in SME companies. We have more than 100 sessions live on the platform with everything you need for the strategic planning, risk management, governance, investor communications, disclosures, insider information, financial reporting and investor relations.
Fast forward, nice and informal events.
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På de fem första luncherna har bl.a. Lars-Erik Sjöberg och David Kroon, Carnegie, Lennart Danielsson, Partner börsrevisor PwC, Tomas Strömberg, Partner och börsrevisor Deloitte, Lauri Rosendahl, President Nasdaq Stockholm, Mats Gustafsson förvaltare Lannebo fonder, Eric Sprinchorn, Swedbank Robur, Caspar Callerström EQT, Ulf Rosberg, Partner NC Advisory, Bengt Maunsbach, Partner Altor Equity Partners, Thomas Eldered, VD Recipharm, Jörgen Rosengren, VD Bufab och Jan Svensson, VD Latour medverkat.